Jazz for the
Skeptical Guitarist
©2006; ISBN 0-9665029-3-0
86 pages - $16.50
book proceeds onward from Volume Two, The Fretboard, and presumes that
you are up to speed on the first two volumes. We start out with a
description of jazz chords with regard to the Rhythm Changes, voice
leading and the spelling of complex chords. You'll get experience
playing two popular progressions of complex chord shapes, what I call
the MVP (Most Valuable Progression) and the VIP (Very Important
Progression). Other topics include modulation from key to key,
comping and mystery chord analysis.
Then comes an
introduction to the use of scales and modes in improvising jazz lead
lines. We seek out the C-A-G-E-D scale shapes in the Key of C all
around the neck of the guitar.
Table of Contents
What are jazz chords?
Rhythm changes in the Key of C
Preliminary issues
Minimizing redundant notes
Closed voicings
Extensions and alterations
The Major 6th substitution
Rhythm changes up the neck in C
Recap of the modified rhythm changes
Modified rhythm changes in G
Basic jazz chord roundup
Voice leading
Rhythm changes in G
The spelling of complex chords
Our favorite chord progression – the MVP
Modifications to the MVP
The flat-five substitution
On to the VIP
G7 variants and worksheets
Modifications to the VIP
The flat-five substitution
The MVP and VIP around the fretboard |
Modulating with a 2-5-1 progression
The 1234567 progression
Stripped down comping
Examples of jazz standards
Mystery chord analysis
Scales: Jazz a la Mode
Modes in the Key of C
Ionian mode
Dorian mode
Phrygian mode
Lydian and Mixolydian modes
Aeolian and Locrian modes
Modes shmodes?
Worksheet on the modes
Improvising on the modes
Arpeggios first, then scales
C-shape modes
A-shape modes
G-shape modes
E-shape modes
D-shape modes
C-shape modes (high)
Improvising with the E- and C-shape modes |
Sample Pages
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